Friday, March 5, 2010

The First 9 Weeks

Motherhood has been a wonderful experience! In my first almost 9 weeks, I've learned a lot about myself and Jayson as well. I've learned that our relationship is stronger now than ever. We have learned to pickup where each other leaves off when it comes to caring for Kaylee. When I'm passing out from lack of sleep, Jayson's there to pick up the bottle or diaper. I love watching him rub her back trying to get her to sleep or kissing her good night.

I think the best part of parenthood so far has been watching Kaylee discover the world. Everything from realizing the thing dangling off the end of her arm can actually do something, so far rubbing her eyes..and also poking herself. The other night while sitting on Jayson I watched as she stared in amazement at her feet as if seeing them for the first time. She's starting to focus more on everything around her, pictures, animals, lights etc.

In the 11 weeks that I've been home, I've learned more about myself and the world, than I think I did in my first 28 years.

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