Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shaking heads and colors....

So! Kaylee has learned to shake her head no! It's super cute..but I'm sure that is going to wear off soon :) She has also learned three-colors! She can pick out blue, red and orange. We have a couple of toy cars and I lined them up and told her each color and after a while she could pick out the car I asked for most of the time! It's great watching her explore things and learn.

She's with me right now and let me tell you it's a lot easier to type when you don't have someone clicking the mouse on different parts of the screen the whole time!

New pictures...I switched cell phones for the time being because my old one kept breaking, my new one though does not have a camera. I have been using our video camera for picture taking but then learned that you need a special card reader in order to load them on the computer. SO, long story short, I've got the card reader and should be able to post new pictures soon!

Facebook boycott, well I've been doing good on my goal to give upFfacebook...until tonight... I did post that Kaylee has learned to shake her head. So not bad, almost a month. I am quite proud of myself for cutting way back!

Well, thanks to the clock turn back Kaylee thinks that it is almost bed time!

Until the next post...have a good night!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Kaylee went trick or treating for the first time last night! It was a lot of fun, we went back to our old neighborhood in Hampton. I even got to take a tour of our old house!!! It was neat to see what they have changed and what has stayed the same. Things that I haven't seen in 13 year looked as familiar to me as if I had seen them yesterday.
But, back to the candy...I mean festivities! We went out to dinner before Trick or Treating and Kaylee fell asleep at the table. Nap times went a little to the way-side yesterday and apparently it caught up to her. We went trick or treating with Tyler and a couple of other kids. It was really a great time, hoping we can go there again next year!!

The picture here was taken in the morning, she loves playing with the leaves. We helped Mom and Dad a little with the yard, mostly by driving the golf cart into the woods to get rid of the leaves. Kaylee loves riding the golf cart almost as much as her mother ;) .
This picture is what I call Pumpkin Sass! She's such a cutie!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Catchin up to do!!

Oh my what catching up I have to do!! Thanks Cassie for kicking my butt! Well I see that my last "post" was that Kaylee is crawling! Yes, she is in full speed crawling mode. She can also cruise around the living room holding on to furniture. She likes to give Jayson and I mini-strokes by standing up then letting go for a few seconds at a time. Some how we've avoided major head injury with all the crawling that she does on the tile floor.

So I guess a good updating point would be her 9 month check know now that she'll be 10 months old next week...but any who, she has grown 9 1/2 inches in her 9 months which puts her at the size of an average 14 month old in both the height and weight categories. Though she's been 'teething' for what seems like forever, she still has no teeth. But trust me that doesn't stop her from trying any new food that gets close enough to her face. I'm not sure how many babies LOVE fish...but Kaylee loves it! So keep some fingers crossed that she gets her pearly whites soon!

Other 'party tricks' that she does is blow kisses, wave, put her hand up to her ear to say hello (like she's on the phone), shakes her head yes when you say no...yep she can argue already and she can't even talk yet! We've gotten an occasional mama/dada but I think we still have to wait for the official first word. It's so much fun watching her discover everything. It makes you stop and look at things you would normally see but not notice. An example would be that she loves to watch the trees move in the wind. I think she finds it relaxing.

Jayson and I are good as well. We've been busy with work and Kaylee and of course house stuff. My birthday was yesterday..I'm 29 really...29...the year that no one will believe me! We had Mom, Dad, Nicole and Grandpa over. Chris, Tyler and Jay were sick :( I hope everyone is feeling better very soon!

We tagged our Christmas tree the other day! We went with friends Cassie and Ben on what I'm hoping to be the start of an annual tree hunt. Most of the ones that we liked best had been tagged by other people.......but we managed to find a couple good trees. I brought home a couple of souvenirs in the form of 2-ticks. had attached and one was still roaming free...both met the same fate. Luckily the one that attached was not a deer tick, the one that was roaming was.

Well, I should wrap this up. Kaylee is napping so I should go do something productive...hahahaaha.. I promise to update more often. Especially now that I've stopped posting on Facebook... I'll stick a picture of Kaylee in for today! Trick or treat is this weekend and she's going as a winnie the pooh pumpkin, so I'll be sure to post the cute pictures!

Until the next happy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sitting Pretty!

Well, it's been an interesting month since my last post! Kaylee has gone on her first camping trip, preparing now for her second next weekend, she's figured out how to roll back to her back and is also sitting alone!
Memorial Day weekend Kaylee and I went with Cassie and a whole group of people camping up at Saco River Campground. She loved it! She was really interested in the campfire and with all the people that were there. She slept through the night every night! Next weekend we are going with Jayson and his brother and possibly his girlfriend :)
Kaylee has started teething officially, little buds have popped up in her mouth and the drool flood gates have opened! Well I'd love to post more but I have to get a few more things done for Jayson's first Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rolling like a champ!

So it's obviously been too long since my last blog! Kaylee is now rolling over like a champion. It was the day before Mother's Day and Jayson and I were putting away groceries while Kaylee was playing on the floor. I saw her working at rolling as she has been for a little while now, I turned my head to put the granola bars away...when I look back and she's on her belly! That's right, after all the watching, cheering, video taping etc all she needed was a few seconds of alone time to master this not so little task! Now we can't stop her from rolling!!! The only problem with it so far is that she has taken to doing it in her crib. She looses her binky then rolls to try to get it in her mouth, but then gets stuck on her belly, makes her self sick and gets upset because she can't get back to her back. So the past few nights several times during the night I have to save my little rolling stone by rolling her back over and popping the binky back in!

In other baby news, she's really starting to coo! We've been hearing the little sounds for a bit now but lately she's really been babbling up a storm! She'll even 'talk back' when you talk or coo at her :) Jayson and her were laying on the floor the other day it was the sweetest thing I could hear him cooing to her and she was doing it back while rolling on her side to see him!

Yesterday Nicole and I went to Target with both the kids of course, Tyler is so proud of Kaylee :) He calls her a mix between Baby K, Kaylee and Baby Girl :) It's really cute when he see's her and has this big smile and is like Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Baby Kaaaaaaaaay! She smiles and kicks! I can't wait to see them when they are playing together!

Well I really should try to get some more sleep before my little rolling stone decides she wants to eat!

Until next time!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Attempted Roll Over

So a few minutes ago I was doing what I do most mornings while Kaylee is still sleeping, check Facebook, e-mails and blogs, when I heard Kaylee sound like she was awake. Usually she sleeps until at least 7am if not 8. So I went into to see what the problem was, usually a binky dislocation, pop it back in and she's back to snooze land. Well, this morning when I walked in I found her on her side! It looked like she was trying to get the binky back in her mouth but looks like she got a little over ambitious and almost rolled over! I laid her back on her back replaced binky and back to sleep she went.
The picture on today's blog was actually from Tuesday. Jayson and I were doing some yard work so we brought Kaylee's rocking chair out. As you can see, she was quite relaxed! She kind of reminded us of an old lady in Florida hanging out in the shade :) Apparently it was relaxing enough or maybe it was sheer boredom because she fell fast asleep :)
Well, I'm off to pack for a busy Saturday! Let's hope that tomorrow is a nice relaxing Sunday!