Saturday, April 17, 2010

Attempted Roll Over

So a few minutes ago I was doing what I do most mornings while Kaylee is still sleeping, check Facebook, e-mails and blogs, when I heard Kaylee sound like she was awake. Usually she sleeps until at least 7am if not 8. So I went into to see what the problem was, usually a binky dislocation, pop it back in and she's back to snooze land. Well, this morning when I walked in I found her on her side! It looked like she was trying to get the binky back in her mouth but looks like she got a little over ambitious and almost rolled over! I laid her back on her back replaced binky and back to sleep she went.
The picture on today's blog was actually from Tuesday. Jayson and I were doing some yard work so we brought Kaylee's rocking chair out. As you can see, she was quite relaxed! She kind of reminded us of an old lady in Florida hanging out in the shade :) Apparently it was relaxing enough or maybe it was sheer boredom because she fell fast asleep :)
Well, I'm off to pack for a busy Saturday! Let's hope that tomorrow is a nice relaxing Sunday!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Quite possibly the best invention since the disposable diaper!

I had ordered a chair for Kaylee that we can use when we go camping. I wanted something that she could also stand and play in and this chair does both! It's called the Go and Grow Chair! The seat cover comes off and stores in a pouch in the front and there are two little leg holes that she can stand in. The safety harness makes it so that she doesn't tip forward! There is a protective mesh 'pocket' on the bottom so that her little feet stay clean while she's dancing away. The chair also has a little sun shade as well as a removable tray. The coolest part is that this chair will last her until she's 75 pounds, talk about versatile! Oh and the chair comes with it's own bag to house everything for travel. To date, I think this is my best baby purchase!!! Camping here we come!
This is where I got the chair

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 months already!?!

**warning, this post is a little long, I should probably learn to post more often :)**

Well, time is flying...Kaylee is already 3 months old! She's sitting up with support, falling asleep on her own, doing things to make you laugh..and also practicing making her self tear up so that you will say aww! What's wrong!?? Then gives you this big grin!! My little monkey is starting grab toys that are dangling over her and will coo back at you sometimes when you talk to her. She still hates tummy time, now crying almost immediately!
I've learned another lesson from motherhood and that's to appreciate the little moments in the day. I stayed home sick yesterday after spending the night in the ER and getting absolutely no sleep all night..don't worry this visit was for me, Kaylee stayed home with Daddy sound asleep! But during my wait time I had plenty..yes plenty of time to think. I was thinking how some of my favorite times of the day is when Kaylee wakes up for the day...not just those pesky bottle times, but the actual time she gets up and seeing that first smile of the day! I love when we see "the baby in the hallway and in the bathroom".. that would be looking in the mirrors and she smiles at them. We could all learn a thing or two from babies! She doesn't wake up thinking (or at least it doesn't seem)...ugh, another day of laying on the floor playing with same dangling toys, same old thing to eat, lots of diaper changes etc, they wake up smiling happy to see you and excited.
I've been thinking that soon she will be ready, or maybe it's me that will be ready for her to have her first sleep over without Mommy and Daddy...but then I realize that I won't be there to see that first little smile of the day! It makes me tear up just thinking about it. So maybe we'll hold off a little longer :)
Speaking of sleep, Kaylee is now sleeping from about 830 til 4ish sometimes as late as 530! Easter morning it was 1030 til 7!! Talk about giving me a heart attack! I checked on her every hour from 4-7 and she was snooooozing away!!
Easter was great this year. Jayson, Kaylee and I spent Saturday night at his parents house and had Easter breakfast! Kaylee got her first basket, a few toys, teething ring etc. although I'm pretty sure she wanted candy...she'll have to wait for next year! We then went to my sisters house for a great dinner.

So I guess in 3 months, many lessons have been learned, but probably one of the most important is to appreciate the little moments of the day and to wake up with a smile!!

Well this Mommy should probably head back to bed, good night all!